Thursday, 28 February 2013

zamar travel & tours


 Jom melancong


Pakej Harga Dari Sah Sehingga
3D2N SIPADAN ISLAND RM 1220.00 Mac 2013



Pakej Harga Dari Sah Sehingga
4D3N FULLBOARDKUCHING SARAWAK RM 598.00 Mac 2013          

Saturday, 23 February 2013


Gambar ini diambil di Kinabalu Park. Kami berehat dan sambil meninjau kawasan Kinabalu Park yang udaranya sungguh nyaman.

Udara yang dingin dan segar , sejuk mata memandang melihat flora dan fauna yang sungguh menakjubkan.

A Mount Kinabalu climb is a unique experience that you definitely must try if you are planning a holiday on the beautiful island of Borneo.

Kami berkunjung diwaktu pagi, dari kejauhan pemandangan Gunung Kinabalu nampak jelas. Jika waktu petang tak nampak sebab awan berarak terlalu tebal hingga menutup pemandangan.  Gambar ini di ambil dari KK ke Kundasang.

Selain dari itu di Bandar KK terkenal dengan pasar hasil dari laut di Kepulauan Sabah. Semua hasil laut kita boleh beli di Pasar Filipina. 

Suasana di Pasar Filipino ada berbagai ragam dan berbagai kaum. Letih mataku melihat berbagai jenis ikan dari kecil hingga Ikan Besar seakan Ikan Jerung.  Sebenarnya ikan sederhana lebih sedap daripada ikan besar kerana ikan besar dagingnya dah tawar.
Dipasar Kota Kinabalu terkenal dengan makanan laut termauk Udang Kara. Harga Udang Kara juga paling besar RM150 dan paling kecil RM20.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


lebih kemas Kenaikan Gaji Maksimum Penjawat Awam Hingga 5% Bulan Depan MO,PUTRAJAYA ,23/1/2013-Kerajaan dijangka mengumumkan penetapan gaji dua hingga lima peratus bagi penjawat awam yang sudah mencapai tahap gaji maksimum atau ‘gaji mati’ pada Februari ini, kata Ketua Setiausaha Negara, Datuk Seri Ali Hamsa. Beliau berkata, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) sedang membuat kajian teliti bagi menangani masalah penjawat awam yang berprestasi baik dan cemerlang dengan markah 80 peratus ke atas dalam Laporan Nilaian Prestasi Tahunan (LNPT) mereka tetapi sudah mencapai gaji maksimum dan tidak memperoleh kenaikan pangkat kerana tiada kekosongan. “Saya tidak mahu melihat penjawat awam yang menjalankan tugas dengan cemerlang mendapat gaji statik. Ini yang saya mahu atasi. “JPA sedang memuktamadkan senarai yang ada. Mereka sedang meneliti rekod perkhidmatan. Selalunya akan ada kenaikan biasa gaji, tetapi dalam kes ini kita mahu selesaikan kes mereka yang sudah mencapai tahap statik.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

LiaRekaCipta: Pictures of Disney Characters


LiaRekaCipta: Pictures of Disney Characters: Pictures of Disney Characters

Terlalu sukar untuk insert gambar kartun ni dekat banner blog kita.

Tetapi untuk post gambar kartun gerak-gerak mudah aje . Kita copy image and than paste to the draft.

"Kekecewaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan. Teruskan perjuangan kita walaupun terpaksa menghadapi rintangan demi rintangan dalam hidup"

gambar animasi

Pictures of Disney Characters

Pictures of Disney Characters


JANGAN BERMAIN DENGAN API.........................mula-mula memanglah jadi kawan akhirnya jadi lawan , oleh itu jangan cuba-cuba main dengan api.  Api boleh membakar diri dan apa saje yang ada  . Jauhkan diri dari api.......Tetapi api NERAKA......... tidak dapat dielakkan jika kita mengabaikan tugas kita sebagai umat Islam.  

gambar animasi api burung

Monday, 18 February 2013


NABI s.a.w. menceritakan tentang Dajjal dan memberikan garis panduan apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh umat Islam apabila dapat ilmu tentang Dajjal adalah fitnah paling besar di muka bumi ini.

  • Persiapan yang paling penting ialah Berpegang dengan Islam, mendalami keimanan dan mendalami ilmu tentang islam.
  • Meminta Perlindungan kepada allah dari fitnah dan dajjal
  • Hafal surah al-Kahfi
  • Melarikan diri daripada dajjal
  • Tinggal di Mekah dan Madinah

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Biarlah seribu kali kita mohon minta kerja dan berpuluh-puluh kali pergi temuduga , itu adalah usaha untuk mencari pekerjaan yang tetap.  Ayuh lah hai anak-anak muda zaman sekarang jangan hanya berdiam diri semata-mata dengan angan-angan........


work-from-home: Apa ada dalam Gua Tempurung ?

work-from-home: Apa ada dalam Gua Tempurung ?: Gua Tempurung is located in Lembah Tempurung near Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. It is 25 km to the south of Ipoh, the capital of the state ...

 See how Nature has shaped magnificent sights over 400 million years

IMAGINE… long before dinosaurs roamed Earth, the limestone hills in the Kinta Valley, Malaysia, were nothing but a balmy sea where corals and single-celled organisms thrived. They were complex life forms known to have existed during the Palaeozoic era 570 million years ago. These life forms took lime from the sea to make their shells. When these creatures died, their shells made up thick masses of lime mud and all in time crystallised into limestone. Limestone can be dissolved by rainwater, which picks up carbon dioxide from the air and soil and turns the limestone into calcium bicarbonate. The dissolving process happens along joints where the water finds its way down. Some joints form sinkholes and these become vertical chimneys and horizontal galleries or in short, they become caves.

Gua Tempurung (Tempurung Cave) has existed since early 8000 B.C. and it is one of the larger cave systems found in the scenic limestone hills of Perak. In fact, it is the largest natural limestone structure in Peninsular Malaysia. The cave measures 1.9 km in length and 120 metres in height. The cave follows a direct course through a mountain range called Gunung Gajah-Tempurung, located south of Ipoh towards Gopeng and Kampar. It is a cavern inside Gunung Tempurung (Tempurung Mountain) standing 497 metres high and is about 250 million years old. This means Gua Tempurung is even older than the mountain that rises majestically like a karst tower. Visible from the North-South Expressway near Gopeng, the mountain is an erosional remnant near an ancient coastline. Years of mineralisation of the limestone rocks yielded deposits of tin, with some tungsten minerals and other minor ores. In several locations inside the dry upper chambers of the cave, vein deposits of tin (cassiterite) are evident in walls and ceilings. Within the karst tower, there is a river-cave system. The river, Sungai Gua Tempurung runs about 1.6 km. It originates from the north and south outlets of a small catchment derived from the granite upland area to the east.

Gua Tempurung was first identified in 1887 in the Map of Perak-Malay Peninsula, which indicated a mountain spelt as “Gunong Tempoo Rong”.....

Gua Tempurung is an impressive cave with beautiful speleotherms like stalagmites, stalactites, rim stone pools, curtains, straws, calcite crystals and pillars. There are also majestic columns of marble inside its huge cavern honeycombed with smaller caves of different dimensions. The cave holds mystery and intrigue that leave one curious about its deep, dark secrets dating back to 400 million years ago.


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Pelancong masuk ke Gua Tempurong


Lukisan  merupakan luahan jiwa seseorang baik kepada mereka yang “boleh” melukis dan sebaliknya. Sebuah lukisan mampu memberikan seribu makna pada pelukisnya.
Seni asasnya adalah produk pemikiran dan emosi. Ia juga boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai perangkap persepsi yang mewakili minda pada satu-satu masa. Walaupun hanya satu garisan, ia adalah luahan emosi pelukis.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Kellies Castle
The 100-years-old castle

Kellies Castle
Somewhere near Batu Gajah, suburb of Ipoh, stood the Kellies Castle surrounding by river.
It was intended to be the hub of social life for the area's wealthy colonial planters and administrators - a grand mansion with a six-storey tower, wine cellar, and stately columns. Moorish arches and walls embellished with Greco-Roman designs.
There was to be a rooftop courtyard for parties, a helicopter landing space and even the first shaft lift in the country to connect the underground tunnel up to the top floor.

History of the never completed castle...

William Kellie Smith, born in Dallas, North-Eastern Scotland to a farmer and his wife on 1st of March, 1870. At the tender age of 20, he traveled to Malaya (old name of Malaysia) to seek for his fortune.
This had proven to be a wise choice, since he was soon engaged by an estate owner to help in the construction of public roads in South Perak and gathered some fortune from his share of the venture's profits. With this capital, he bought over nearly 1000 acres of jungle land in the Kinta District, and cleared it to become rubber estate named.
Kellie's Castle
Followed by his success in rubber plantation, the Smith brought over his family to stay at his first mansion in Malaya, Kellas House which built in 1905 as symbol of his prospering rubber estate venture.
Later in 1915 with the birth of a son and heir, Smith decided to build the Kellies Castle (just in front of the Kellas House). It is believed to be a gift for his wife or for the birth of his son - Anthony.

Halt of the construction...

70 tough workers, mostly from Madras, were employed. Bricks and marble were imported from India. But the construction work was not smooth, a mysterious illness (Spanish Flu) broke out and killed many of the workers.
The superstitious Smith was told that a temple must be built to appease the gods. He immediately transferred his workers to build a Hindu temple nearby, and there is an underground tunnel lying beneath the castle to the temple.
This tunnel was discovered accidentally during a road widening exercise at the 6th kilometer stretch of the Gopeng-Batu Gajah road in 2003. An excavator broke through the timber structure and revealed a section of a tunnel. The passageway is about 1.5m height and 1m wide. The tunnel is believed to go under the river and connecting the castle to the Hindu temple.
Anyway, this tragedy didn't stop the construction of the castle. But the sudden death of Smith on a visit to Lisbon in 1926 had made a halt to it. He was died of pneumonia. His wife, Agnes, with a broken heart made the decision to sell out all of the Smith's properties in Malaya and moved back to Scotland sadly.

Terkini from me

 Kami atas bumbung Kellie's Castle

Gayat di buat nya. Nun dikejauhan nampak Jalan simpang Pulai menuju Cameron Highlands
Kellie's Castle
Kellie's Castle is located near Batu Gajah, and is about 20 minutes' drive from Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. The unfinished, ruined mansion, was built by a Scottish planter named William Kellie Smith.